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The benefits of grounding

A day barefoot at the beach can bring you more than just pleasure and vitamin D

I find it rare to meet anyone who doesn't take pleasure in a beautiful day at the beach. There is something about a solid day on the white sand, wind blowing through your hair, hearing the boisterous crashing of the waves, soaking in the heat of the sun, and breathing in the fresh sea air. It captivates you entirely.  It is just beautiful. I started to think about the reasons why sitting on the beach is such a fulfilling experience. While your body is absorbing UV rays from the sun needed to produce much needed vitamin D and you're breathing in fresh air your body craves, you are also indulging in some vitamin G, aka grounding.

What is grounding?

Grounding, also known as earthing, is a natural way of connecting your body to the earth through direct contact, such as going barefoot. This connection has many health benefits. There is so much energy in our world from which our bodies also feed. Our bodies are made up of atoms, which are continuously giving off and absorbing light and energy. Emerging research is showing that by directly connecting our bodies to the earth, we are basically recharging our batteries and fueling our bodies with a balance of positive and negative electrons. With an increasingly large amount of electronics that we surround ourselves with like cell phones and wifi, we are being charged with an overwhelming amount of positive electrons. It is important for us to balance out our electrons and high technology lifestyle by feeding off the negative electrons that are naturally provided to us within the earth.

When you enjoy a day at the beach, your bare feet are embracing the ocean water and the sand, which is connecting you to the earth and fueling you with all the great benefits of grounding.

What are some of the benefits of grounding?

·     Reduces stress, depression, and anxiety

·     Protects from harmful EMF radiation

·     Improves sleep

·     Improves blood pressure and blood flow by naturally thinning the blood and reducing inflammation

·     Potential increase in energy

·     Reducing inflammation

·     Reducing chronic pain

·     Less tension in muscles

·     Calming sensation

·     Improved immune system

Of course you don’t have to be at the beach to enjoy the benefits of grounding. You can experience grounding almost anywhere with natural earth such as grass, dirt, rock, or sand. Just take off your shoes and let your bare toes sink into the ground. Sit back, take some nice deep breathes, be present in the moment, and embrace the fresh air. There’s really nothing to it and so much to enjoy!

What about you? Do you practice grounding? What is your favorite way to ground?

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Disclaimer: All material and information presented by Alexandra Ponsica is intended to be used for educational purposes only. The statements made about products, supplements, or treatments have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The information in is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any condition or disease. Please consult with your own physician or health care practitioner before making changes to your diet, exercise routine, or lifestyle.

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